Sunday, January 24, 2010

Welcome to Academic Reading 620R

Hello and welcome to the Academic Reading course blog!
Please take a few minutes to take the personality test at I believe that it is a fun and great way to get to know each other a little better. Following the description of the results, please comment on how accurate you think it is or is not in its portrayal of your personality.
Here are the results for mine:

Your personality type: "Engaged Idealist"
Popular and sensitive, with outstanding people skills. Externally focused, with real concern for how others think and feel. Usually dislike being alone. They see everything from the human angle and dislike impersonal analysis. Very effective at managing people issues and leading group discussions. Interested in serving others and probably place the needs of others over their own needs.
Careers that could fit you include:
Teachers, consultants, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors, clergy, sales representatives, human resources, managers, events coordinators, politicians, diplomats, writers, actors, designers, homemakers, musicians, religious workers.

My Reaction: I do agree that I am a highly sensitive person, sometimes more than is probably good for me. I feel I am quite an intuitive person and I do tend to see most situations from a human perspective. I suppose I am relatively effective at managing people issues, and thus why my career as a teacher is very fitting for my life. However, I do not agree that I dislike being alone. While I am a social person, I am just as much of an introvert as I am an extrovert, if not more at times. I like to interact and learn from people, but I equally need my time alone for introspection and reflection. I find the ability to relate to people's perceptions and experiences more important than "objective reality."


  1. Nadia Galasheva's personality type: "Engaged Idealist"

    Popular and sensitive, with outstanding people skills. Externally focused, with real concern for how others think and feel. Usually dislike being alone. They see everything from the human angle and dislike impersonal analysis. Very effective at managing people issues and leading group discussions. Interested in serving others and probably place the needs of others over their own needs.
    My reaction: I had a hard time to answer some of the questions because I could go either way, and I had hard time to choose one over another. I believe that I am more intravert, and sometimes I am very sensitive. I also believe that this personality test does not define me per se. I am a very analytical person, but at the same time I am a dreamer, kinda have a wild imagination, and I am very idealistic and impracticable. I am still seaching for my true myself.

  2. Hamad's personality type: "Reliable Realist"

    Serious and quiet, interested in security and peaceful living. Extremely thorough, responsible and dependable. Well-developed powers of concentration. Usually interested in supporting and promoting traditions and establishments. Well-organized and hard working, they work steadily towards identified goals. They can usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it.

  3. Where I am from? I am from Russia, but I have been living in the U.S. for over 11 years. I spent almost 8 years living in San Diego. I have three children: one girl and two boys. My daughter's name is Anastasiya. She is 19 year old and is in her second year at Claremont McKenna. Americans called it sophomore - I am not sure about spelling. She recently got transferred from GW. The GW stands for George Washington University. She loves professors there, but she did not like the weather. She developed asthma, a condition which she never had in her entire life. Since she moved back to California, her health is OK. My middle child is in 7th grade at Bernardo Heights Middle School, which is in Poway Unified School District. PUSD is the best district in San Diego in my humble opinion. His name is Erdni, and he is autistic. He is excelling in mathematics, and a very gifted chess player. My little child is David and he is an elementary school student called Westwood (PUSD). I love my children and I am very proud of them.
    A few words about myself. I am a Russian lawyer who was fortunate enough to pass the California Bar examination and I am licensed to practice law in the state of California. I am looking for an attorney job and neanwhile I want to work on my English presentation and writing skills in order to be a successful trial attorney. This is my dream. One American attorney who graduate cum lade from the "top-notch" law school told me as to friend that I should not even try to think about it because I have a strong Russian accent, because I am not a J.D. graduate from the prestigious law school, because I have never been to a law review, and etc. Despite of all of it, I dare to dream that one day I will be a successful Californian trial attorney.

  4. Isabella's personality type: "Dynamic Thinker"

    Assertive and outspoken - they are driven to lead. Excellent ability to understand difficult organizational problems and create solid solutions. Intelligent and well-informed, they usually excel at public speaking. They value knowledge and competence and usually have little patience with inefficiency or disorganization.

  5. Easygoing and ambition , optimistic for my future.I graduated from Institute of Public Administration and I got my diploma in Banking Operation.After that, I joined Arab National Bank.I worked for five years and after that I quit and came here to continue my school.My job title was an affluent customers sales supervisor.I have three sisters and one brother.I like to know about different cultures and traditions.In the personality test,I had a hard time to answer some questions because there were not clear enough for me!.Sometime I like to be alone for a while, but most of my time I like to be with my friend and my family.Also,I like to interact and learn from other people.In my opinion, I think that the personality test does not discribe my personality well.,:)

  6. Reliable Realist"

    Serious and quiet, interested in security and peaceful living. Extremely thorough, responsible and dependable. Well-developed powers of concentration. Usually interested in supporting and promoting traditions and establishments. Well-organized and hard working, they work steadily towards identified goals. They can usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it.

    Careers that could fit you include:

    Business executives, administrators and managers, accountants, police, detectives, judges, lawyers, medical doctors, dentists, computer programmers, systems analysts, computer specialists, auditors, electricians, math teachers, mechanical engineers, steelworkers, technicians.

    In my personal opinion I think the test describe very well my personality.

  7. I think I am more like a serious person and responsible, I am a lawyer in Mexico and I am looking forward to continue my career as International Lawyer between Mexico and U.S.A. I been living in San Diego for five years and I enjoyed it every day. I love traveling, and I like to learn about other cultures.

  8. It is very difficult analize yourself but I will try to put n some words. I am quiet, serious and sensitive. But i think sometimes I am more sensitive. This is sometimes is good but sometimes is not that good independents of the situation. I do not like conflict at all. I am very Loyal and faithful person. I really enjoy the present but sometimes I miss some good moments in the pass. I am a happy person and friendly too.

  9. "Engaged Idealist"

    Popular and sensitive, with outstanding people skills. Externally focused, with real concern for how others think and feel. Usually dislike being alone. They see everything from the human angle and dislike impersonal analysis. Very effective at managing people issues and leading group discussions. Interested in serving others and probably place the needs of others over their own needs.

  10. Where I am From

    The way I talked, the way I danced, the way I walked. People want to know where I am from.
    I was born in a very hot place, when the temperature in the summer is very high I would say tropical place, do you think then people might know where I was from?
    Where I am from, there are a lot of people walking on the streets trying to get to places in a very stressful way. Also there are a lot of cars in the streets and a lot of traffic. The cars beeps the horns all the time. It is crazy and very polluted sound.
    Where I am from, the violence on the street frights people. It is a said reality. You must always pay attention to your surroundings.
    Where I am from, born also a lot of famous football stars. They are well known all over the world. They are also very rich and they play in the best times in the world. They are very respected where I am from.
    Where I am from, people like to party in one particular time of the year call Canival. At that time people like to put costumes and a lot of make up. And they make a pretty show dancing and singing on the street. A lot of people came from all over the world just to see that big event. It is very exciting just to see how people is do happy at this time of the year.
    Where I am from, there is a famous beach called Copacabana, it is a very well known place and tourist too. A lot of people like to hanging out there and just enjoyed the amazing view. It is pretty amazing how Copacabana is beautiful and big. People liked to swim and get tan.
    Where I am from, the food is really good and healthy. We ate a lot of fish and fresh fruits and vegetables. People are surprise with how good the food is when they visit my city.
    I am from a beautiful place call Rio de Janeiro. And I loved that place.

  11. Where I'm from
    People always ask to me where I’m from, and I say, I’m from Mexico, they immediately will ask what part of Mexico? and I respond, from Baja, and their reaction will be ho! I love Mexico, and in my mine I say I do to.

    Where I’m from people have good sense of humor, and almost every person in the country have a nick name, like fat, black, blond, squelette or things like that, even americans have a nick name “gringos” for men and gringuitas for american girls.

    Where I’m from on fridays you can smell the social life of the weekends, you can fell how the weekend is there, you can heard how the people is laughing and having fun. People from my country love to party all day long.

    Where I’m from you can see a women crossing the road and fighting with a guy at the light because he may call her mamasita ( hey baby) or because he may be whistling at her.

    Where I’m from, the food is fresh, and most of the meals that are going to be cook have to be buy it that day.

    Where I’m from there are not a lot of fast food, and most of the fast food are tacos, fish tacos, lobster, shrimps, and fish.

    Where I’m from you can find the most delicious fish tacos, the ones that Rubios is trying to imitate in America.

    Where I’m from the basic ingredient in the meal is the tortilla, which is very thin, very delicious and is like the spoon for every meal, and we like to eat almost everything with chilly and lemon.

    Where I’m from you see a lot of americans, eating our traditional food like, tacos, enchiladas and the typical dish, lobster with rice, beans and flour tortillas with a big margarita.

    Where I’m from you can feel the breeze of the ocean, enjoyed a delicious meal with a good drink and have fun with friends and family.

  12. Hiro's personality type: "Social Realist"

    Warm-hearted, popular and conscientious. Tend to put the needs of others over their own needs. Feel strong sense of responsibility and duty. Value traditions and security. Interested in serving others. Need positive reinforcement to feel good about themselves. Well-developed sense of space and function.

  13. Where I am from

    Where I am from there are over 10million people live, and it is the center of world financial center like New York and London.

    Where I am from there is an emperor. He used to be the most powerful person, but lost his power after the World War II. Nowadays, he is a symbol of my country and the unity of the people.

    Where I am from there are distinct four seasons. In spring, we hang out to see beautiful cherry blossoms. In summer, it is very humid and hot, and a lot of people go to a beach and swim in the sea. In fall, most of the trees in mountains turn red or yellow beautifully. In winter, we have a lot of snow and enjoy winter sport like skiing, snowboarding and so on.

    Where I am from there is Mt.Fuji, the highest mountain in my country. It is near 4000 meter high and is world famous for its beautiful shape.

    Where I am from we eat Sushi, tempura and sukiyaki. They are very popular in the world for their taste and unique style of eating. Everybody like to eat them.

    Where I am from national sport called Sumo, the traditional wrestling, are popular. Recently there are many foreign wrestlers, and 2 grand champions are both form Mongolia.

    I am from world famous busy city, Tokyo Japan. There you can do anything you want and I love this city.

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  15. In the reading from Amy, the best techniques that I used to understand the lecture are evaluation and identification, therefore I don't like to look for specific words that I don't understood, but I always look for a clue in the context.

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  17. Initial Reflection.
    I am interested in improving my speaking, listening and writing abilities in English at the professional level.
    Everything that related to law is a big interest to me. I also like to learn about anything else that I would find interesting.
    In regards to my learning preferences, I noticed that I learn better is I can see and hear simultaneously. This is true only when I am learning English. In my native language, which is Russian, I can read, memorize and understand 100% percent, basically I do not need to hear it. Because I read a lot on my own, I believe, that my English vocabulary is very advanced; however, I do not know hot to pronounce right a lot of advanced words, words that people usually are not using in their everyday life. My worst skill is speaking. Unfortunately, my English is broken and I would like to improve it dramatically. It is a big goal for me and at this time seems like insurmountable. I would like to learn legal writing in extent because it is my profession and passion.
    Lastly, my reflections about how the world works. I have no idea! Just joking. I meet a lot of people from whom I can learn and that is so wonderful.

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  19. Your personality type: "Spontaneous Idealist"

    Enthusiastic, idealistic and creative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Great people skills. Need to live life in accordance with their inner values. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities.

    Careers that could fit you include:

    Actors, journalists, writers, musicians, painters, consultants, psychologists, psychiatrists, entrepreneurs, teachers, counselors, politicans, diplomats, television reporters, marketers, scientists, sales representatives, artists, clergy, public relations, social scientists, social workers.

    My Reaction
    I agree with the career and personality results. If I had to do this Personality test again I don't know if I would give the same answers because sometime I didn't really know which one to choose, but in the end the results correspond with my personality so it's okay.

  20. Fabricio's "Where I'm From" poem

    I am from the best coffee and music.

    From emeralds and springs

    I am from Colombia the country of faith.

    The salsa and the cumbia in our air

    The atmosphere and dances the merengue

    I am from the green mountains and 14,000 butterflies

    The vast rivers and waterfalls

    I am from the Amazon.

    I am from the arepas and the morning coffee

    From Juan Pablo and Natalia

    I´m from vallenato with aguardiente

    And the most beautiful women in the earth

    From the number one flower production in the world

    And the largest population of birds in the earth

    I am from a country of freedom and faith

    That opens any heart any time with 3,500 types of orchids

    I am from Castaño Ospina

    From buñuelos and sancocho.

  21. Where I'm From

    Because the Italian waiters were shocked when they witnessed the massive amounts of hot sauce I freely poured all over my “gnocchi al salmone” dish, they asked me where I’m from and if everyone there exaggerates the use of spicy condiments at the expense of tainting delectable traditions.

    If I said that I was just another mid-twenties girl living in Reston, Virginia, where people constantly complain about there being nothing to do, even though we are minutes away from D.C., do you think the Italian waiters might know where I was from?

    Where I’m from, I don’t quite have a name for it yet. During my first eight years of living in my native city of Constanta, the oldest city in Romania, its name would be given to all the early summer mornings of walking the twenty minutes to the Black Sea coast with my brother, our grandma, and cousins. Where taking a fourteen hour train ride north to the countryside to spend an entire summer with our grandparents’ relatives amongst the newborn ducklings and countless other barnyard classics, was the most treasured summer of my young and unripe times.

    Where I’m from, feelings of sadness and fear of such huge unknown dimensions such as the U.S. quickly become replaced by childlike curiosity and eagerness to learn about and connect with this new world, its language, and in turn, its people. Where even if you fast forward to these most recent years, that curious excitement for the new and different still has not lost its grip on me.

    Where I’m from, I take a solitary train ride to any given Italian city, large or village-like in size, and walk its streets in awe and wonder, losing myself, then finding myself, both on and off the map. Where people are so genuinely caring, yet so dramatic, and just a short step outside means “Buongiorno! Welcome and enjoy the show.” Where learning the language and its parallel connection with the character of its people is harmoniously balanced with returning the favor and teaching English unto them.

    Where I’m from, I find an altered version of myself back in the States after a year lost in the abyss of independence and discovery, and no longer truly feel at home. Where not even my mom’s omelet and bagel morning feasts, nor my lazy afternoons and evenings spent with old friends, is enough to adequately soothe my wandering spirit.

    Where I’m from, moving to California, the state of my sunshine dreams is just another one of those life check marks that I wish to make, and whether it may end up being an extended check mark, only time will tell. Because in the end, what better way to determine where one is from than by the unique check marks he or she has experienced or will.

  22. where I am from?
    Tha way I talk, the way I look! everybody says to me where are you from?.

    Eastern or Western,
    Or both;
    I can’t live long
    Away from it,
    And its marvellous Grand Mosque
    And enchanting desert,
    Yet in the same time
    I long for the English
    And all the Western countryside
    I love the grand Arabic language,
    Yet I sometimes, dream in English,

    Where I am from?
    I am from this land..
    my mom is desert..
    hugged from its sands..
    and fed by its dates.

    Where I am from?
    located in Asia,and it is one of the most important country in the world! because it is the largest country exporter of oil.We speak Arabic,and we are religious country.
    Where I am from?
    We have only two seasons in my country! summer and winter.In summer we have a hot weather and in winter we have too cold and dry weather.

    Where I am from?
    we like to cock food.For example, the main food in my country is rice, you have to try it one day.Also, you have to try our Arabic coffee.It is very differnt!.

    Where I am from?
    the largest country in the Gulf, we have the largest mountain in Gulf it called Alsarawat mountain.

    Where I am from?
    I am from Saudi Arabia from the capital Riyadh.And I think that this poems does not describe my country very well..My country deserve more..:)

  23. I was born and raised in a small part in the north-east of the Arabian Peninsula in western Asia where the weather is hot in summer, very cold in winter and a beautiful sunny weather in spring.
    Where I’m from, a place where all the people know each other and the family is the most important thing in our life, at least once a week families gathering together.
    Where I’m from, the education is free till the university and more than 90% of the population is well educated.
    Where I’m from, you will feel save if you are alone at midnight in the middle of the darkness.
    Where I’m from, people have good sense of humor and they respect the culture, tradition and all religions live in peaceful.
    Where I’m from, we have a well democratic life and every four years we have election for the parliament.
    To make the long story short here is where I’m from:

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Where I'm from ...

    Saudi Arabia (officially Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) is an Asian country and the largest country of the Middle East. It is bordered by Jordan and Iraq on the north and northeast, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates on the east, Oman on the southeast, and Yemen on the south. The Persian Gulf lies to the northeast and the Red Sea to its west. It has an estimated population of 28 million, and its size is approximately 2,149,690 square kilometres (830,000 sq mi).

    The Kingdom is sometimes called "The Land of the Two Holy Mosques" in reference to Mecca and Medina, the two holiest places in Islam. The current Kingdom was founded by Abdul-Aziz bin Saud, whose efforts began in 1902 when he captured the Al-Saud’s ancestral home of Riyadh, and culminated in 1932 with the proclamation and recognition of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, though its national origins go back as far as 1744 with the establishment of the First Saudi State.

    Saudi Arabia is the world's leading petroleum exporter. Petroleum exports fuel the Saudi economy.Oil accounts for more than 90 percent of exports and nearly 75 percent of government revenues, facilitating the creation of a welfare state, which the government has found difficult to fund during periods of low oil prices. Human rights groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have repeatedly expressed concern about the state of human rights in Saudi Arabia.

  26. Where I m from...

    Because they like the way I talk and the different cultures I have, they always want to know where I'm from.

    If I say that I'm from a small country situated in the middle of Europe surounded by Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein, do you think they might know where I'm from?

    If they look for that on an earth glob,
    they will probably not find it after a while..

    Where I'm from, is a small country but so big for its many cultures. Nationalities are well mixed and people speak differents languages. You can start your day from an italian atmosphere and spend the night in a german one, while saying hi to your french speaking friends.

    Where I'm from, is in the city well known for its financial center and the presence of numerous internationals organizations, like the United Nations and the Red Cross.

    Where I'm from, Spring is pleasant and it's the time to enjoy our beautiful Lake Geneva and its huge well known fountain of about 140 meters high.. People are taking their boats out, enjoying the sun and the beautiful view on the Swiss Alpes.

    Where I'm from, Summer is synonym of happiness. Birds are flying, fish are dancing and the sun is rising. Having lunch in a restaurant on the lakeside is very common and it is always crowded with a lot of entertainments.

    Where I'm from, Fall is windy and scarves, hats and gloves start to appear. Dry leaves are flying everywhere, which turns the color of the city on flashy orange, yellow or brown..

    Where I'm from, Winter is snowy and freezing. It is the perfect time to drive up in the mountains and enjoy the good ski. There is nothing better than spending the afternoon on a terrace, enjoying the view and the sun with friends and a hot chocolate. Ski holidays are always appreciated in the country and "cheese Fondue" and the good world famous chocolate are of course always on "Rendez-vous."

  27. Hi, my name is Mohammed. I'm from Saudi Arabia specifically from Jeddah I have one young sister. I lived in the UK in my early years due to my father's perusing of higher degree. My home-town is a simple city on the west coast of Saudi. Located on the Red sea it's kind of a diverse city. But nothing special really.

    What I can say about myself is that I am multi-cultured the same as couple of students here. My ambition served me well through the years, my personality is simple a bit easy-going not that sophisticated. Maybe the noticeable feedback I get is that I look a bit experienced not reflecting my age. Maybe because of my traveling since early age. I hope everybody enjoys the course and make it as beneficial as possible.

  28. Raul's personality type: "Reliable Realist"

    Serious and quiet, interested in security and peaceful living. Extremely thorough, responsible and dependable. Well-developed powers of concentration. Usually interested in supporting and promoting traditions and establishments. Well-organized and hard working, they work steadily towards identified goals. They can usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it.

    My opinion: it's not easy to interpret these kind of tests. Sometimes you feel more "reliable realistic" and sometimes more "unrealiable imaginative". I mean, some aspects of my life fits very well with the results but others not. I have problems to answer some questions just because I wanted to click both options or neither of them!

  29. I agree with my personality test. I found it very accurate and enjoyed doing it.

  30. Diana, I am happy to hear that, but what were your results?

  31. My personality type: "Social Realist"

    Warm-hearted, popular and conscientious. Tend to put the needs of others over their own needs. Feel strong sense of responsibility and duty. Value traditions and security. Interested in serving others. Need positive reinforcement to feel good about themselves. Well-developed sense of space and function.

    Will, eventually no one can explain his personality better than the others, especially when the "others" is a software.

  32. Where I am from?

    I'm from a place where you can know in just few years that:

    "Speech is silver but silence is gold" when his speech exposes his mask.

    "Actions speak louder than words" when he promises you to do this and that but you know he will not do anything.

    "Union is strength" when he is with someone to make it through this night.

    "Do as you would be done by" when his hand of power allow him to humiliate things people.

    "It's no use crying over spilt milk" when his hand of power had been cut.

    "A friend in need is a friend indeed" when he is going down and you grab him.

    "Rome Was Not Built in One Day" so everyone can start his own life again.

    "All that glitters is not gold" but you should know that Opportunity may knock only once.

    "Blood is thicker than water" don't forget your family when you hold the world.

    "If you want a thing done well, do it yourself" otherwise you will be Regret.

    "A word to the wise is enough" When he is suffering because of explaining his thought to the others.

    Pleas collect the first latter in each wisdom and you will identify where I am from.

    P.S Saudi Arabia
